Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Twisted Sixs Tattoo Cafe

Black Dog

From, "LBD: A Love Story in 14 lbs."
One early spring day, we went to the Lowe's so I could scan the shelves for the right kind of light bulb. I heard a woman behind me laughing. 'A little black dog is running up an down the aisles!' Which sent me running up and down the aisles ('How did he get out of the car?'). I'd get to Gardening and someone who say, 'He's over in Appliances!' ('But I only left the window open a crack!') I'd get to Appliances and someone would say, 'I think he's near checkout.' When I saw him, he was at the other end of Hardware. He was running towards Building but saw me and changed directions, running in place against the concrete floor Scooby Doo style until he regained traction and was running towards me. Maybe in slow motion. Maybe with the sounds of 'Love Story' playing over the store speakers. Maybe I'm romanticizing this part. But I knew then that if he could try that hard to find me, then I could at least let him, and love him back. Which meant, it was time to name him. But it was too late.

I called him 'Flea,' because of the way he jumped high and just beyond grasp. But he didn't answer to that.

I called him 'Satchmo' - which my grandfather would forever call him - but he didn't respond to that either.
One day in exasperation, after he'd slipped out the front door and was running from tree to tree checking for squirrels, and I'd called him every other name I could think of, I called him what he was. 'Hey, you, black dog!' And he turned and ran and jumped all around me until I caught him in my arms and he licked my face. 'Hey, you. Black Dog.'
Check out LDB's "the b" newspaper and website story version: http://www.bthesite.com/archives/2008/09/pets-feature-a-tale-of-best-friends/.
The full version is available via this website (the story entitled, "LDB: A Love Story in 14 lbs." in the right handed column at the top of the blog, or go to http://www.scribd.com/doc/5972652/LBD-A-Love-Story-in-14lbs).

Caroline & Chalk Drawings

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008