Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Angie & Ethan

While we await the arrival of Angie's youngest son (any day now!), we look back to when Ethan was the only apple of her eye.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

Fishing for Wishing Stones

"Find the Line between Attraction and Obsession"...

Are you headed to the pool?

Yeah. Let's go to the pool.



Open the gate.

Open the gate.


Where is it. I know it is here. At the bottom of the pool. Menacing monster of the deep with a tentacle tail of spraying water. Small humans who arrive in minivans wielding squirt guns. Slow, deliberate teasing of a sprinkler fanning across the lawn.

No water is safe from the awesome power of the...poodle/terrier mix...

Bocce Ball