Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tobacco Sticks

"Step 4. Pierce tobacco stalks for stringing on tobacco sticks. Use a tobacco spear on the end of a tobacco stick and thread the stalks onto the sticks.

Step 5. Gather the sticks and remove them to the tobacco barn."

This was a "hit the breaks and do a U-y" picture. I have never seen a tobacco field in "mid-harvest" this way. Plus there was an amazing light with a deep blue backdrop that you usually get with the sun appearing during a storm. No storm this day though.

The light changed quickly this afternoon and by the time I took a close up of the tobacco clusters the clouds had already moved across the sun. I only took a few and saw that the moment had passed.

As I pulled my car back onto the highway a man on the opposite side of the road was getting out of his car, camera in hand.

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